1 cc:Mail Release 8 Install 2 Do you want to create a new cc:Mail profile? 3 Setting up Windows 95... 4 Registering OLE object types... 5 Setting up profile... 6 Registering cc:Mail MAPI Provider Information... 7 Copying rules files... 8 Copying post office information... 9 Converting SmartIcons configurations... 10 Copying custom spell check dictionary... 11 Converting Mobile configuration... 12 Copying archives... 13 Copying default SmartIcons configurations... 14 Updating .INI files 15 Mail Recipient 16 cc:Mail 8.0 17 Do you want to replace the Inbox icon on your Desktop with cc:Mail Release 8? 18 \SendTo\ 19 \viewers 20 - R6 23 workspac.smi 24 mailbox.smi 25 outbox.smi 26 newmsg.smi 27 readmsg.smi 28 rules.smi 29 address.smi 30 default.smi 31 universe.smi 32 fileview.smi 33 Prepare Message 34 Read Message 35 Rules 36 Mailbox - 1 37 CCMAIL 38 Lotus cc:Mail 39 %s\CC%dDIR 40 ./\:*?<>"| 41 There is no Mobile post office for this user. User %s was not migrated to cc:Mail Release 8. 42 ANALYZE reports that the Mobile post office has errors. User %s was not migrated to cc:Mail Release 8. 43 WMCHECK reports that the Mobile post office has errors. User %s was not migrated to cc:Mail Release 8. 44 WMREORG reports that the Mobile post office has errors. User %s was not migrated to cc:Mail Release 8. 45 Could not convert post office for user %s. 46 To copy the Windows Messaging subsystem upgrade files, please run DISTUPG.EXE. 47 To copy the Windows Messaging subsystem upgrade files, please run DSTUPG16.EXE. 48 Setting up Windows NT...